IRC Office Hours - MAY 2024
What to consider when creating your chart of accounts.

AABC supports birth centers becoming sustainable. What elements does a sustainable budget contain? The May IRC Office Hours session will compare an example chart of accounts for a birth center survival budget (the kind we have always had) to one for a sustainable budget. Get ready to embrace your new break even!
As always, bring your challenges and questions. We will brainstorm solutions together.
AABC membership is required for IRC Office Hours. Registration is free and open to all AABC members.
IRC Leaders
Erica Biesinger, MBA
Erica has been involved in the birth center community since 2014 when she joined the staff at The Midwife Center in Pittsburgh as the Finance and Operations Manager. Since then, she's provided ongoing administrative support to the birth center including overseeing all financial aspects of the Center and helping to expand both the facility and programs offered. She is passionate about the independent, free-standing birth center model and the midwifery model of care. Her goal is to have that shine through in her administrative work, while improving the ongoing financial health of the birth center.
Did you know?
AABC Members can attend IRC Office Hours for free.
For More Information:

Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania 18074
United States 215.234.8068