Does this Neonatal Resuscitation Training Meet the AABC Standards?

Posted By: Kate Bauer AABC News Release,

We want to caution the birth center community about a potentially misleading neonatal resuscitation (NRP) course that some members have taken, assuming that it meets the AABC Standards for Birth Centers and requirements for CABC accreditation and NARM certification. 

The AABC Standards require that at each birth there shall be two staff currently trained in neonatal resuscitation endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)/American Heart Association (AHA). 

A course that meet the Standards provide an official Neonatal Resuscitation Program Provider card which explicitly states that it is endorsed by AAP/AHA.  For example, the AABC Midwifery-Led Resuscitation Training provides an official NRP Provider card.

There are NRP classes which do not have a hands on, instructor led portion, and are not adequate to meet current standards as laid out above.  The card obtained from such a course (e.g., the American Resuscitation Council, looks very similar.  

Please be aware of this, and make sure everyone in your organization knows about the possibility of taking this course in error, when expecting an official AAP/AHA endorsed course.  

Can you tell which NRP Provider card meets the AABC Standards for Birth Centers?

Note that the card on the bottom has the logos of the American Heart Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. It also displays a link to verify the card's authenticity.