Take a Leadership Role in AABC

Posted By: Kate Bauer AABC News Release,

The AABC Nominating Committee is looking for members who are committed to the AABC mission and core values, to birthing families, and have a passion to serve. 

We would like to have a mixture of candidates with a variety of skills and work settings including administrators, providers, and individuals who work in freestanding birth centers or alongside midwifery units, or who support midwifery care in the non-practice setting.

This year we will be electing candidates for the following positions:

  • Director (4) helps in general governance, sets goals and makes strategic plans for the organization (3-year term) - view position description
  • Alternate Director (1) serves a 1-year term or fulfills the term left in a Board vacancy - view position description

AABC has a diverse and creative membership. Our organization is made stronger when these voices are heard. We are looking for hard-working, dedicated, and responsible people who enjoy working in a supportive group dynamic. Does this describe you or someone you know? Are you passionate about the work that AABC does, or have ideas to better serve the membership or birthing families? Do you know someone else who is? Please nominate yourself or someone you know who fits this description.

Complete the Ballot Nomination Form